I study the idea of compliments and contrast; the cliché of standing apart and being different. Although it is an unoriginal idea, it is a traditional concept for the reason that it rings true for most. I stand apart, not in my appearance or interests, but with my traditional, “old-school” values. And yet, while being true to the person I am, I must find a way to interact and connect with the others my age who are so much different than I. Despite all this, it is ironic that men and women, including myself, comment on this idea of being unique and going against the norm, when truly if everyone claims to be unique, is anyone?

My work is calculating. I plan. I contemplate and investigate. By drawing from the world around me I am able to convey a message in a very structured way. It is plain to see that my work is more idea-driven. I love the way technical pieces look but I stress when I do such pieces. I want my work to calm me. I want to enjoy making my work not stress about deadlines or fine details.

In order to achieve the clean, crisp work that I feel showcases my style, time was the only option. I knew what I wanted and I knew that it would be difficult to create the image that I saw in my head. Of course, I had setbacks; really, who doesn’t? As a result, I had to devote more time to the project, resulting at times in great frustration. At first glance, it may appear as if my work is very simple and those who inspect it may say, “I could have done that.” I know that. I know it is simple. I know that it is not as technical as other pieces of art, but that is the beauty of art. Every work of art and every style is different from the other.  

This project, I’ll be honest, scared me half to death. The idea that I was off on my own doing whatever I wanted, thrilled and put great pressure on me. I was afraid of the idea of “artist block”. What if I couldn’t think of what to do? I realized as I began to contemplate and ponder on the task, that I could do this. I just had to look around. I was able to convey my concept of opposites and fitting together in way that I was proud of. And now as I go onto my new project, I am excited for the almost endless list of world events that I am able to draw ideas from.

These pieces, while more abstract than my previous work, still showcase my style. I feel that I made a cohesive group of works. I would give myself an “A.” I put a whole lotta work and time  into each piece and thought deeply about my concept. This wasn’t a last minute thing for me.  

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